Another great drift event is in the books and we are grateful to Justdrift LLC allowing us to capture All Star Bash 2017 from an aerial perspective. We here at Endless Aerial are firm believers that drones will have an increasing presence in motorsports in the coming years and we're proud to be at the front of the pack.

Helicopters are the go-to aerial camera platform for motorsports and in some ways will always be so; My drone can't match the speed or loiter time of a Eurocopter. But that helo also can't skim the in-field for a close up as a racecar screams by.

Strengths and limitations. Like anything in life, knowing these parameters can guide your path.

Unlike time attack or "grip" racing, drift cars are moving at a speed much easier to maintain with a drone. And honestly, the smoke pouring out of the back is a helluva lot more interesting to look at. 

I'm a firm believer drones must be embraced as the unique tool they are. It can't replace the helicopter, cable cam, Russian arm or hood-mounted car camera (search engine these terms  if you're unfamiliar, awesome equipment will follow) . But it can be a combination of all of them; with impressive results.

The time will come when guys like me won't be flying drones at all anymore. We are living in the golden age of drone piloting because there is still glory to be had by the pilot. More on this is later blogs. 

This is one of the primary reasons drifting is my favorite to film. It's HARD. You can't fake it and you can't automate it (YET). And drifting is just plain AWESOME.

We're looking forward to a killer Top Drift Season. Stay tuned, you won't be disappointed. 


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